Tag Archives: bb makeup

Fitness Competition Hair Makeup and Spray Tan

It is very very VERY important that you as a Fitness Competitor have the right prep before hitting the stage. The right way to eat hours before, the right spray tan that doesn’t make you look too gold or too light on stage, the right hair and makeup to show your features.  Everything HAS to be right! BB Makeup has teams up (as always) with Perfectly Prepared LINK TO PP fitness competition
Tara owner of PP will teach you everything you need to know before you hit the stage
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Professional Posing Instruction- Teaches you how to perform on stage.

Photo Shoot Hosting- Want to shoot with the best of the best in the Fitness world?

Submitting for Publication- Want your fitness photos to hit the magazines??

Mobile Spray Tanning- we will come to you to spray you!

Now once its the morning of the show, we will usually be at the host hotel getting our fitness ladies ready.
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we are on the makeup and hair!! Now why is it important to go with us for your beauty needs? We are experts with Fitness Makeup. We have been the sponsor of shows -to- independently hired out privately to beautify in the comfort of your / or our hotel. We make sure your eyes pop on stage, your makeup stays on all morning, afternoon, night! With the airbrush makeup (which comes with the makeup fitness package) Everyone gets makeup, lashes, airbrush, and a touch up lip stick!!! Everyone!
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It is very important that you hire those who specialize in fitness hair, makeup, and spray tan! You want everything to look perfect on stage! Remember those stage lights show EVERYTHING! Let us make you PERFECT!
fitness makeup bb makeup




Facebook: www.facebook.com/bbmakeup
Insta: @bbmakeupcosmetics
SnapChat: bb.beautyguru
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/BB_dollz
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brookefleetwood
SHOP: www.bbmakeuponline.com
VISIT OUR Stores: www.bbmakeupcosmeticbar.com

Bad spray tans impact good decisions to avoid harmful UV rays

Spray tans done right aren’t orange or streaky!

Why do women still fake bake or tan when they know all about the harmful damage of UV rays?! I have a theory it is due to bad spray tans- either having one or hearing all about one. Am I right? If that’s not why, then is it because you don’t like the smell?

You will not leave here orange, streaky, or smelling bad! Some solutions have more of an orange base- not ours! And we even pick out solutions that have pleasant natural scents. Ever wonder why some are streaky? That is often because of the mist being too close. The BB girls know what we are doing as we receive tons of one-on-one training. Our repeat spray tan clientele has been a great sign we are doing it right and we are constantly perfecting our technique. We love the feedback we are getting!

We are here to give the best damn spray tans around. Not only do we love everything beauty and the happiness it brings- we want to encourage people to be wise and avoid those harmful rays.

Come see us for your next spray tan! Save your skin and encourage your loved ones to do the same by skipping those harmful rays. Skin cancer is a reality for so many. Let’s make a change!

Makeup “Strobing” the newest trend

strobbing makeup
Strobing is the new high “light”. Literally adding the illusion of light to your face. Ever wonder how makeup gurus or celebrities on the runway get the “dewy” “glow” its basically ONE easy easy step! Just add a highlighter…or layer highlighters!
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Let the Injection Highlighters be your “strobe”” these come in a cream and powder base. Creams will be the highlighters that you can build on!
So if you like extra strobe dewy look try this color over your Injection Highlighter
FROST SHADOW…yes yes you can use a pearlized shadow to get the dewy look!!! The lighter the color the more dewy it illusions.
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Or this Strobe Highlight technique on the apples of her cheeks!



Facebook: www.facebook.com/bbmakeup
Insta: @bbmakeupcosmetics
SnapChat: bb.beautyguru
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/BB_dollz
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brookefleetwood
SHOP: www.bbmakeuponline.com
VISIT OUR Stores: www.bbmakeupcosmeticbar.com

Brow Extensions

Brow extensions are the new craze! Like….very very new!
How it works:
Baby baby single hairs are attached to the skin or peach fuzz hair. Attached with surgical grade skin glue. With “fills” happening every 2-3 weeks. Since the glue is exposed to your skins oils, sweat, and every day environment, the durability is much shorter then say lash extensions. So you have to make sure you properly take care of them! NO OILS, NO SCRUBBING of the skin, DO NOT GET THEM SET FOR 24-48 hours after procedure.
picture by Lash Perfect

This above is a close up of how the hairs are applied. Its painless, and you can hardly feel anything.

This gal we completely re-shaped her brows adding arch and volume! Opening her eyes up more, giving her an automatic “eye lift” look!

This brow extensions is very very natural, she didn’t want much, but just enough to “fill in the gaps” so that is what we did! Whoo hoo for brow extensions!
Now here we drew her brows in with the BB Taupe brow pencil to get a good outline before filling them in with hair creating a thick full brow with amazing arch!

If you would like to learn more follow us on facebook!
Brooke Beauty Guru Fleetwood also does training for those salons wanting to learn about these and offer them!
Get yours done today! www.thebbspa.com to BOOK ONLINE


Facebook: www.facebook.com/bbmakeup
Insta: @bbmakeupcosmetics
SnapChat: bb.beautyguru
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/BB_dollz
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brookefleetwood

NOSE “Makeup” Plastic Surgery…without the surgery

YES you can actually get a nose job WITHOUT spending thousands!!   In-fact you can get a nose job for less then $60bucks!  I know,  I know you want me to cut through the chase and tell you how.
You need 3 things! Yes only 3!!!
Crease brush- $21  BUY NOW
Powder Injection $18- BUY NOW
Skrewed Shadow $15- BUY NOW

To achieve, already done nose job below, follow our lead
(picture below is her already applied makeup “nose job”11356216_898064820258693_908093646_n

So what you are going to do is outline where nose with the Skrewed Shadow. (the black lines) The further together you make the lines the slimmer your nose will be. Then on the tip of the nose, if you shadow the bottom it will make it shorter!
Next high light the bridge of your nose to add dimension.  (the white line)
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From Artist above @katiezmmerman from the @bbmenomonie store location.
332 Main St Menomonie, WI
“If your anything like me, you love all the rage about contouring. Sometimes that gets difficult when your skin tones on the pale side of the scale. Nothing like your nose looking like it got some sun but not the rest of your face. Not to mention what happens when you get oily. Here’s the best kept secret, use a soft grey not a brown. Makes sense right?! Grey creates that perfect shadow to make things look slimmer, I mean look how slim vampire make looks. Here’s what you will need the BB crease brush, Bb shadow in the shade screwed, and powder injection. After you have you foundation and powder on you will take the crease brush with a little bit of screwed on it and start the part you want the thinnest on you nose, then work your way up to the brows. You will want it to slowly go out. Then go under the tip of your nose in a half circle to connect the lines you made along the bridge of your nose. Wipe your brush off, then take a little bit of the powder injection and put it on the high point of the tip of your nose. Only there! It’s add the perfect pop for a button nose! And your done!”

For tanner skin use one of our BB Bronzers, Trio Pot Concealers, or dark foundation. With still an Injection High lighter.

Easy…as….that. Literally!!! Again here is the finished product! Want to see more “Plastic Surgery without the Surgery”, request below!


Facebook: www.facebook.com/bbmakeup
Insta: @bbmakeupcosmetics
SnapChat: bb.beautyguru
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/BB_dollz
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brookefleetwood




Golden Birthday Makeup

Golden birthday is an amazing day to get your makeup and hair done for your fabulous event night! It only happens once in a life time so make it BIG!

One of our clients friends surprised our client with a Makeup Makeover! It was so magical! She was head to toe, full out in gold! Take a look….
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Want to know what we used on her Golden Look, keep reading!
On the eyes:
Cupcake HD Pigment (inner eye): GET IT HERE
Fur HD Pigment (Mid eye, ball of eye): GET IT HERE
Goth Shadow (“V” or “C” of eye): GET IT HERE
Smoked out with Black Caviar Liner: GET IT HERE

On the face:
HD Flawless Face Kit: GET IT HERE
Bronzer in Gold Bake: GET IT HERE
High Light on the nose and cheeks: GET IT HERE    

On the lippes:
Grape Latex (not real latex) Stain: GET IT HERE


Facebook: www.facebook.com/bbmakeup
Insta: @bbmakeupcosmetics
SnapChat: bb.beautyguru
Twitter: https: //twitter.com/BB_dollz
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/brookefleetwood


Why hair extensions are a must for ANYONE! Elsa Frozen Hair look.

As we all know braids are huge right now. AKA Elsa off of Frozen, her hair is the craze.  As with all things hair related, the bigger they are the better! It gads fullness and volume, also length! Which instant gratification of having all the thee above is where its at!

hair extensionsBB HAIR EXTENSION IN BB DOLL’s head. #katiezimmerman #bbdollz #menomonie,wi #BBmakeupsalonspa

Extensions are the fastest way to achieve a big braid, but the easiest out of all extensions are the flip-ins!
(we are holding the string! YOU CANT SEE IT. Inner part)

It’s one piece, it eliminates the questions on placement and takes off major time! And to top it off you can tug on them and they don’t budge! They are real Remy hair which means you can even have them colored.

Come into BB makeup and get matched with your perfect color!

511 2nd St Hudson WI 54016

www.bbmakeuponline.com – shop online
www.bbmakeupcosmeticbar.com  – website to find other stores near

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/bbmakeup
INSTAGRAM: @bbmakeupcosmetics
NAP CHAT: bb.beautyguru